The role of the Pasti Foundation

The intense activity carried out up until his death (August '92) by General Nino Pasti - elected twice to the Italian Senate on the Independent Left list and an active representative of the International Committee "Generals for Peace", as well as a member of the World Peace Council - led a number of his former associates to establish the International Foundation which bears his name.

Internationally, Nino Pasti's efforts were tied primarily to the major campaigns against nuclear rearmament and the dangers of atomic war undertaken throughout the 80's.

Today, the situation has changed radically. Following the fall of the USSR, the international scene is no longer characterized by two opposing blocs, but rather by the unchallenged domination of American imperialist power and the new division of the world into areas of influence controlled by the great powers. Within this new context, the level of conflict has certainly not been lessened, nor have the actions of the imperialist forces diminished in intensity.

Indeed, the dominant elements of this new phase are local wars generated by the new imperialist logic, together with the ferocious repression of anti-imperialist movements, as well as attacks against any expression of national indpendence, often launched under the flag of the United Nations.

For the above reasons, the efforts of those who have long been committed to the struggle against imperialist repression and war in all its different manifestations cannot weaken, but must be infused with renewed vitality.

The Pasti Foundation has set itself the task of working both in Italy and on the international scene to promote the spread, interconnection and growth of a great worldwide movement capable of reversing the present-day trends and establishing a true world order based on peaceful relations, the independence of the world's peoples and human solidarity.

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